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Scripps Ranch Softball Association

Scripps Ranch Softball Association

News Detail


Jun, 2020

Rec Season Update

Hello Scripps Ranch Softball Families.

The last 100 days have brought more than a few challenges for all of us.  The uncertainty and unknown has made it very difficult for us as a league to operate in any normal way.  We have done our best to hold out as long as possible to potentially offer some semblance of a Spring Rec Season for our girls.  

Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our formal Spring Rec Season as of today.  We are all very disappointed.  The state and local governments are slowly relaxing the restrictions and we hope to be able to offer some sort of camp or clinic if we are able to get our field permits back from the city. 
We hope to be able to move forward with our Fall Ball season in July.  

At this time we do not see a traditional All Star season in our future either.  We continue to wait on guidance from USA Softball as to what our options may be, but again we are forced to wait on state and local governments to allow for games and tournaments to be played.  This could very well take weeks or even months.

The Board understands that these times have been stressful financially for many of us in the community.  Personal balance sheets just like our league's have become tight.  The league spends a significant amount of money before our girls even step foot on the fields such as registering our girls with USA Softball, preparing the fields, city permits, insurance and umpires just to name a few of the costs already incurred.  

We recently met to see if we can help in any way by offering a refund to families.  The Board has agreed to offer to return the $60 snack bar fee for those families that did not get the chance to earn it back working during the season.  
To receive your $60 refund we will offer two dates where you can come by in person to receive your refund.  

Dates:  Sunday June 14th 4-6pm & Tuesday June 16th 5-7pm
Where:  Cypress Canyon Snack Bar

Plan to show up on one of the dates/times above to receive your refund.  If we do not see you one of those days, we will assume you are donating the $60 to the league as a charitable donation.  We thank you in advance for your support.
Please wear a mask and practice safe distancing protocols. 
Note - SRSA account must be current.  Must pick up in person.  No Venmo or friends/neighbors picking up on your behalf.

Again, these have been challenging times and we appreciate all of your understanding and look forward to the opportunity to get back on the fields again.

Thank You,
SRSA Board


Scripps Ranch Softball Association
9984 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #184 
San Diego, California 92131

Email: [email protected]

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