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Scripps Ranch Softball Association

Scripps Ranch Softball Association

2024 Scripps Ranch All-Stars

Let's get ready for the 2024 Scripps Ranch All-Star season!

Thank you for your interest in the Scripps Ranch Softball Association (SRSA) All-Star program. The All-Star Try-Out will be conducted over two days, Wednesday, May 1st (8U & 12U) and Thursday, May 2nd (10U), 2024. 

The All-Star program is separate from our Recreational Season. The Recreational Season, which you are currently enjoying, is about individual instruction, learning the rules of the game, opportunities for every girl to play multiple positions, and having fun. The All-Star season is about team competition, developing advanced skills, instilling a winning attitude, and having fun. Since there is a significant difference between the Recreation and All-Star experience, it is important to establish expectations for the All-Star season.

Scripps Ranch Girls Softball League has a highly successful and competitive All-Star program. Our All-Star program celebrates 30+ years of competing throughout the county and greater Southern California. We pride ourselves on our high retention rate and great reputation throughout San Diego.

All Scripps Ranch players shall abide by the following rules:

  • Attend all practices and games on time.

  • Accept whatever role/position/contribution the Manager designates for you.

  • Be willing to play positions that are unfamiliar to you.

  • Demonstrate a positive attitude and support your teammates.

  • The team is more important than the player.

  • SRSA Code Of Conduct

All Parents of Scripps Ranch Players shall abide by the following rules:

  • Support the coaches and players.

  • Consider the team’s success a success for your daughter and a rewarding experience.

  • Do not approach coaches during warm-ups, games, or practices to discuss playing time, positions, batting order, etc. Concerns must be addressed off the field at a mutually agreed time. Failure to adhere may result in suspension.

  • SRSA Code Of Conduct

  • In the event that a player or parent does not abide by the All-Star rules listed above, including the SRSA Code Of Conduct, the player and/or parent can be removed from the All-Star program and possibly the league by a majority vote by the SRSA Board of Directors - NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.

  • The All-Star season is a demanding schedule. You should expect to practice multiple times per week and play in all weekend tournaments (Friday - Sunday). The likelihood for most tournaments is multiple games on Saturdays and Sundays.

Scripps Ranch Girls Softball will form at least one, sometimes two, three, or four, All-Star Tournament Teams in each age division. The top-level team, referred to as the “SR Falcons,” will have a coach-elected, board-approved manager. The second team will be called “SR Hawks” and will also have a coach-elected, board-approved manager. A third team, “SR Condors,” will be considered if sufficient talent, pitching, and coaching are available.  Teams typically roster between 10-13 players, but this is based on need/situation and could vary.

All Girls in the league who participated in at least 75% of their recreational games are encouraged to try out for All-Stars. Team coaches will know if a player is eligible. 

The All-Star season lasts from early May through June and possibly into July. 

All-Star softball requires a significant time commitment. Teams may practice three to four days per week. Tournament games run from Friday through Sunday, usually every weekend; however, you should be available to play on Thursdays and Mondays (including holidays). Teams will play multiple games on Saturdays and Sundays, sometimes three or more per day. Teams will play between six and possibly eight tournaments. 

Each family should be prepared to provide a payment of up to $650 per player. This cost covers uniforms, permits, tournament and other all-star-related fees. This does not include the cost of travel arrangements for our one out-of-area tournament in Irvine, District tournaments, and possible travel to State tournaments.

Scripps Ranch hosts an All-Star Tournament each year at our local Scripps Ranch parks. 

Parents of All-Star players must volunteer at least 4 hours per participating player with the snack bar, fields, parking, trash pickup, etc. (each age group will have a specific assignment.) This commitment goes beyond the completion of your games and until the tournament is complete. This time is mandatory

The All-Star commitment may seem daunting, but there are many rewards for coaches and players involved in All-Star Tournament Teams. The girls are able to experience a highly competitive level of play with players of their own ability. They continue practicing and playing into June or later, depending on the team, developing advanced softball skills and knowledge. Most importantly, most girls develop a deeper love of the game and friendships that will last well past their time in our league. 

Tournament Selection and 2024 Tournament Schedule

The Scripps Ranch Board of Directors pre-selects the summer All-Star Tournament schedule. The Tournament Director presents a potential list of tournaments after the USA "Blue Book" is released. This is typically in late February. The USA "Blue Book" is a published list of USA Softball Sanctioned Tournaments with specific tournament details. 

The Board of Directors will discuss the suggested tournaments and vote to determine the final tournament schedule. Tournaments played are also based on registration availability; therefore, they can change last minute.

Ideally, all Scripps Ranch All-Star Teams will play the majority of tournaments together, including a travel destination tournament. 

2024 Schedule:

2024 All-Star Player Selection Process

Due to USA Softball rules and regulations,, leagues may not nominate, choose or tryout before May 1. Practice or playing together prior to May 5 is not permitted.

A player will play in their age division (8U, 10U, 12U, 14U) regardless of the division they played in during the recreational season. For example, if a 10‐year old girl plays in the 12U division during the rec. season, she must try out and play for the 10U division during all‐stars. Exception: If an “A” team in an older division absolutely cannot be formed without pulling a player up from a younger division, then a player may go up to play to fill out that all-star team. The board must vote to approve this exception.

The Scripps Ranch Softball Association shall choose players for the All-Star season based on the following criteria:

2.3 Player Eligibility

  • Eligible players must have participated in at least 75% of the team's recreational season games and practices. (2.3.1)

  • A player playing in more than one USA Softball recreation league must declare in writing by 31 March to both the League Player Agent and the All-Star Administrator in which league they wish to be eligible for All-Star selection. The league is required to provide a copy of the player’s declaration to their respective District Commissioner. (2.3.4)

  • Per USA Softball rules & regulations, any player participating on a team other than their recreation team (i.e. Select or Travel) after March 31, 2024 is NOT eligible to play All-Stars. Players must cease playing outside of their recreation team by March 31, 2024 to be eligible for All-Stars. Please communicate directly to [email protected] the player's name and the division they wish to be eligible for. (2.3.5)


  • The All-Star Try-Out will occur on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (8U & 12U), and Thursday, May 2, 2024 (10U). There are no make-up dates. 

  • Try-Outs are open to all players in Divisions 8U and above. A minimum of 10 players are needed to field an All-Star team.

  • All players must submit a copy of their birth certificate and a recent photograph at the All-Star Try-Out.

  • Every athlete participating in the All-Star Try-Out will be given an equal opportunity to showcase her skills and talents to the Scripps Ranch Coaching team.

  • Each athlete will be given the opportunity to showcase both offensive and defensive skills.

  • Players will be selected by, but not limited to, athletic ability, commitment, leadership, citizenship, and sportsmanship as viewed at the try-out and demonstrated throughout the Recreation Season. Selection will be determined based on all available information in forming teams, including but not limited to: player age, experience, skills, positions played, strength, and balance of All-Star teams (if more than one team will be fielded in a division), the behavior of the player and player’s family.

  • Scripps Ranch Spring Recreational Coaches will evaluate players during the Try-Out.

  • Players will not be selected for any All-Star team prior to the official All-Star Try-Out.

Selection Process

  • With board approval, All-Star Managers will select their team after the May 1st or May 2nd, 2024, try-out. The first tier coach will have the first selection of players and coaches prior to any other teams. Additional teams will be formed based on viability, including, but not limited to, player availability, coaching, and pitching. Player selection will occur in the following order: Falcon team (1st), Hawk team (2nd) & Condor team (3rd).

  • Tryouts will be held on a date that is published prior to the evaluation day. Tryouts are mandatory. Unforeseen circumstances that prevent a girl from making the try‐out will make it extremely difficult for her to be ranked in the top 8 and force ranked onto a team, thus requiring her to be a coach's pick to make a given team (the exception to allow a player unable to attend try-outs to be ranked in the top 8 will only happen if the player receives unanimous “top 8” votes from all coaches and assistant coaches on the buckets).

  • Once each manager has selected their desired team, the SRSA Board of Directors must ratify the team.

  • All-Star Managers will attempt to contact players and inform them of their team selection by May 5, 2024. A league-selected representative will be responsible for notifying the players who were not selected. This may be done by phone or email.

  • Uniform fittings for All-Star players will take place at the try-out. Please be aware that not all athletes who try out will make an All-Star team. All potential players need to be fitted during tryouts due to the short uniform ordering process.

For more information on the procedures, log into our website and check out the SRSA All-Star Guidelines that can be found in the rules section.

We look forward to another exciting All-Star season. The Board of Directors is always willing to answer any questions. Please contact the League President, Vice President, Registrar, or Tournament Director with any questions or concerns.



Scripps Ranch Softball Association
9984 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #184 
San Diego, California 92131

Email: [email protected]

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